Invest in the LIZCORE® SYSTEM revolution

The platform set to become the Strava® or Playtomic® of indoor climbing.

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Olympic sport since 2020

Sport climbing is a modern discipline that has become immensely popular over the past 20 years. It is a young, mixed sport – with 39% of climbers under 18 years old – practised both outdoors and in a more urban format indoors. There are over 25 million climbers in around 150 countries all over the world. » source: Paris 2024 website.

The why

In the world of climbing, the morphology or body shape of a climber can have a significant impact on the practice of this sport. There are different types of bodies and proportions, and each presents advantages and disadvantages on the playing field.

The Playtomic® or Strava® of climbing

We're connecting the climbing community with gamification and safety features.

Business model

We offer a 360º technology. Tracking, control, gamification and safety services. Administration of climbing gyms and data analysis.


Sport federations, they rent or buy our systems to run competitions worldwide.


Climbing gyms rents the system and gets commissions when selling the Lizy® wrist band and for each premium APP license of their customers.

Route setters buys a license to operate inside the Lizcore® System.

Brands buys ad spots on the APP (for freemium users) and also promote their brand in local or worldwide Lizcore competitions/cups/challenges.


Climbers buy the Lizy® wrist band, and optionally the premium APP license.

Meet the team

We are packed with superpowers to deliver excellence in our mission.

Edgar Casanovas

Founder and CEO

Entrepreneur in the sport business.
21 years dedicated to the climbing sport.
Ex-Pro climber.

Marçal Juan

Co-Founder and CTO

Entrepreneur in the software business.
Ex-Amazon engineer.
+13 years enjoying trail running sport.

Lizcore Mobile Climbing App

The Lizcore Climbing App is in its beta version. If you have any interesting comments we want to hear from you. Complete the form and we'll be in touch.

lizcore climber dashboard mobile app