Know specific skills to improve and challenge your friends

Make your pre-order before the official launch and enjoy exclusive benefits.

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Take advantage of the exclusive discount only during the fair days and be part of the revolution in the world of climbing! With the Lizy Premium pre-order, you will have access to unique benefits that will enhance your climbing experience:


The Lizcore system is simple and provides detailed information. Let us explain step by step:

Lizcore grader


Located at the base of each route, it displays the difficulty grade with a color and offers detailed information to choose routes according to your level and preferences.

Lizcore identification


Bring your Lizy identifier close to the Grader-Start for a personalized experience, considering your abilities and morphology.

Lizcore climbing


Enjoy climbing while the system records your attempts and falls for comprehensive analysis.

Lizcore top climber

Reaching the Top

Upon reaching the last hold, the Grader-Top device officially confirms your ascent and records it.

Lizcore rating and feedback

Rating and Feedback

Rate the route and provide feedback to constantly improve the quality of the routes.

Lizcore progress tracking

Progress Tracking

Access detailed data of your climbs and scores to evaluate your performance and set new goals.

Lizcore decommission notification

Route Decommissioning Notification

Receive prior notifications about routes that will be decommissioned, so you can try to climb them before they are removed.

Lizcore keep route feature

Keep Route Feature

Use Lizcore's "Keep" function to request that a route you are about to climb remains in place, so you can try it for longer.

Lizcore gaming


Engage in exciting challenges to earn the "First Ascend" cup or speed medals. Move up in your gym's league or in the Lizcore league.


Lizcore's APP helps you schedule your climbing and training sessions.


Climb, compete, and push your limits with our 'Strava®' for indoor climbing!

Lizcore Personalized grading

Personalized grading

in 24 levels, climb and train with precision. Lizcore adjusts routes and boulders according to your morphology to optimize your performance.

Lizcore Route information

Route information

Complete details at your fingertips. Get to know styles, routesetters, movements, hold colors, grades, and more.

Lizcore Personalized grading

Rate the routes

Your opinion matters. Provide direct feedback and improve the quality of routes in your gym.

Lizcore Record and analyze

Record and analyze

Valuable data for improvement. Optimize your performance and strategy with detailed information.

Lizcore Motivation and gaming

Motivation and gaming

Be the best! Win the coveted "First Ascent Cup" and speed medals. Compete in leagues based on sex, age, and morphology.

Lizcore Challenges in the Climbing Gym

Challenges in the Climbing Gym

Accept the challenge. Conquer the "CHALLENGE" route in record time and get fantastic rewards. Experience the thrill of competition!

Be the pioneer with Lizcore in your climbing adventures!

Reserve now and get the premium lifetime version! Launching in 2024. Climbing evolves with Lizcore, and you will be part of this thrilling journey.

lizcore climber dashboard mobile app


We know that you may have many questions, here we leave you the questions that we have been asked the most. If you have more questions you can contact us at

What are the advantages of Lizcore Premium for climbers?

Lizcore Premium offers full access to all the advanced features of our application. You will enjoy detailed tracking of your progress, performance statistics, notifications about disassembled routes, and many more features. Additionally, as a Premium user, you will have exclusive access to discounts on Lizcore products and the opportunity to access new functionalities before anyone else.

How does the Lizy identifier work and what benefits does it offer?

The Lizy identifier is a compact and easy-to-carry device that allows you to interact with our Grader-Start stations at the climbing gym. By bringing your Lizy close, you will receive personalized information about the route, its grade, score, and much more. You will also have access to exclusive challenges and competitions. Moreover, forget about using your mobile phone while climbing, as the Lizy identifier will record everything you need.

When will the Premium version be available, and how can I acquire it?

The Premium version of Lizcore is scheduled to be launched in 2024. To secure your access and enjoy the exclusive benefits in premium format with a one-time payment, you can pre-order now. Stay tuned to our social media, as we will send the download link directly to all our lifelong Premium users so they can be the first to enjoy it. We will keep you informed.

What is the difference between the free and Premium version of the Lizcore app?

The free version of Lizcore offers basic functionalities for climbers, such as route identification and ascent tracking with multiple metrics. With Lizcore Premium, you will gain access to advanced features, detailed analysis, personalized notifications, and exclusive content to take your climbing to the next level. And the best part is, you only pay once for the Premium app and never have to worry about additional fees. But this offer is only available now during the Salon de l'Escalade Fair promotion.

APP + Wristband

Lizy Premium!

Climber license LIFETIME

150€49€ early bird offer

Get the Premium App and the exclusive Lizy identification wristband, accelerating the development of the Lizcore system. Enjoy unique benefits, free updates, and an exclusive design for Early Birds. No spam, you will receive all advantages via email. Join the revolution and take your indoor climbing to the next level with Lizcore.

Thank you for trusting Lizcore! Seize this lifetime offer.

Lizcore Mobile Climbing App

The Lizcore Climbing App is in its beta version. If you have any interesting comments we want to hear from you. Complete the form and we'll be in touch.

lizcore climber dashboard mobile app