About us

Who we are, how we started and more...


Lizcore® System arises from the needs identified in indoor climbing. We are used to monitoring any type of physical activity with our phone.

And now we want you to be able to monitor your climbs inside the climbing gym.

lizcore gym admin webapp and app bundle

Our booth in the Mobile World congress in 2024. Part of the 4YFN startup area.

Meet the team

We are packed with superpowers to deliver excellence in our mission.

Edgar Casanovas

Founder and CEO

Entrepreneur in the sport business.
21 years dedicated to the climbing sport.
Ex-Pro climber.

Marçal Juan

Co-Founder and CTO

Entrepreneur in the software business.
Ex-Amazon engineer.
+13 years enjoying trail running sport.

Lizcore Mobile Climbing App

The Lizcore Climbing App is in its beta version. If you have any interesting comments we want to hear from you. Complete the form and we'll be in touch.

lizcore climber dashboard mobile app